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时间:2024-07-06 作者:工作汇报网


“the only free intellectual (seneca)。”你是否在找一些关于的名人格言呢?随着文化的繁荣使用名人名言已经成为常态,名人格言可以为我们的前行带来温暖和希望。在归档工作汇报网小编的指导下我们整理了关于爱学习名言警句的相关文献,希望这些句子能够给你一些启示请将它们归档备用!

1、read more famous works, to the more experienced people to ask, is equally necessary. (guo)

2、it should be noted that detailed study, not sloppy, as this will gradually learn, explore, to find the objective law. (xu teli)


4、kosuke domestic painting, cattle woven clothing night; to ren ku, ni liu kuan shi. ((million) xu kui 000)

5、talent to work, talent and creation are carried out. (schumann)

6、as long as willing to learn, we will be able society. (lenin)

7、shinya to world music, books all day long in the case. ((song) ouyang xiu)


9、division,'s model. (yang xiong)

10、's learned, the interrogation, the deliberative extensively, the atsuyuki. ( "the book of rites")

11、labor in reading, writing in the plaza. ((million)-end ceremony)

12、to study hard and work hard so that more youth luster. (wang guangmei)

13、smart people there are three characteristics: first, to persuade others to do their own thing to do; second, contrary to the natural world do not matter; third, the tolerance of people around the weaknesses. (tolstoy)

14、book for the crown of life with; heart forever fertile farmland for cultivation. ( "collection couplet")


16、because the wisdom of the over-used and much of the damage, not only because most of the rust. (bao wuwei)


18、the only free intellectual (seneca)


20、people will always want to learn. death, is a graduate of time. (hsiao chu f)
