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时间:2024-07-29 作者:工作汇报网




1、Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it.  Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.

2、Able to stay upright,insist on is seen,through the people are few and far between。能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。

3、Dare to face the reality,have the courage to take responsibility,will progress。敢于面对现实,勇于承担责任,才会不断进步。

4、Don’t get what I want,I will get better。没有得到我想要的,我即将得到更好的。

5、A man must not be arrogant, but he must not be arrogant.

6、Do what you are afraid of, and fear will disappear.

7、Cheer up! our troubles will soon be over.

8、If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. 如果一个人没有保持与同伴一样的节奏,可能是因为他听到了不同的鼓点。

9、I have unlimited potential.

10、I can change the world.

11、It doesn't really matter if your glass is half empty or half full. Be thankful that you have a glass and that there's something in it.

12、Not going along with the crowd can help you stand out in the crowd.

13、Good coffee to friends and taste,good opportunity to also want to share with friends。好咖啡要和朋友一起品尝,好机会也要和朋友一起分享。

14、The winner is not never failing, but never giving up.

15、Don't lose heart, whatever happens.

16、Ten years of casting sword,to be complete;We regret once drawn,handheld device maker e-ten sirens。十年铸剑,只为炉火纯青;一朝出鞘,定当倚天长鸣。

17、Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal,there is no secure direction; without direction ,there is no life. ——Leo Tolstory

18、Know how to be tolerant to others, you will always be happy.

19、Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

20、If you fail, success is paradise.

21、I can do great things.


22、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”.——Bonapart Napoleon

23、If you are more intelligent than others,others will see it from your behavior。如果你比别人更具智慧,别人会从你的行为看出来。

24、For over the fate of people,confidence is the master of the fate。对于凌驾于命运之上的人来说,信心是命运的主宰。

25、Life is not to surpass others,but to surpass themselves。生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。

26、There is no reason to feel discouraged.

27、Great quotes can be inspirational and motivational. You can use quotes to  help guide your decisions in life, work and love. Here are 50 of the best  inspirational quotes to motivate you:Talent is given, greatness is earned.

28、Boys don’t show cloud,empty negative natural body eight feet。男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺躯。

29、Doing good things is the only really happy action in one’s life。做好事是人生中唯一确实快乐的行动。

30、The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the  person who is doing it.

31、It's not that success comes slowly, it's that giving up is too fast.

32、Don't look so blue and cheer up.

33、I know much more than others,but I know his own ignorance。我比别人知道得多,不过是我知道自己的无知。

34、No matter how mo one surface of the strong,the heart is fragile!无论一个人表面多莫强大,内心都是脆弱的!

35、To make a big career,we must start small。要成就一件大事业,必须从小事做起。

36、Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.——Louis Pasteur

37、When you wish to succeed,and perseverance as friend。当你希望成功,当以恒心为良友。

38、You may be a useful person to the company,but you don’t have to be useful to the boss。也许你是一个对公司有用的人,但你不一定是对上司有用的人。

39、Life easy,any matter all hope for the best and the worst。活得轻松,任何事都作一个最好的打算和最坏的打算。

40、Don’t let yourself trapped inside,open the heart joy。莫让自己困在内,打开心扉喜悦来。

41、Grasp opportunity to creat the future.

42、You laugh,the world laughs with you;You cry,the world only you a person cry。你笑,全世界都跟你笑;你哭,全世界只有你一个人哭。
