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时间:2024-08-25 作者:工作汇报网


life can not lie out in bright flowers.想知道关于“诚信的名言英文句子”的问题请查看下面的解答,为了便于阅读和回顾请您收藏此页上的句子。听取名人的名言能够为我们带来启示和鼓舞,名人格言可以帮助我们更好地发现自己的才华和潜能。

1、honest and trustworthy is the fundamental philosophy of life, is the world's most beautiful flowers.

2、Life, it is human nature to pay to polish gems. -- Nobel

3、integrity is the salt of life.



6、believes really is to link the intelligent bridge up , to be expert in the people who cheats , to arrive at forever the bridge another one holds without end. The sincere message, is one strands of Qing Quan

7、life needs to be honest, have faith will have happiness.

8、Honesty is the noblest thing a man can keep. Chaucer

9、the good faith, the popular respect.

10、Busineunderlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life, Witnethe fact that in the Lord's prayer the first petition is for daily bread, No one can worship God or love his neighbor on an empty stoach.Woodrow Wilson. American President


12、If Enterprise is afoot, wealth accumulates whatever may be happening to Thrift; and if Enterprise is asleep, wealth decays, whatever Thrift may be doing.John Maynard keynes British economist


14、Economy the poor man's mints; extravagance the rich man's pitfall.Martin Tupper. American economist.

15、Honour lies in honest toil.

16、life can not lie out in bright flowers.

17、honesty is a symbol of strength, it shows the height of a person inner self and a sense of security and dignity.



20、the loss of integrity, is equivalent to the enemy to destroy themselves.


22、good faith, is a person based society pilot.

23、honesty is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all value.

24、the sincere message is the most beautiful overcoat of person , is an intelligent the holiest and purest fresh flower.
