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时间:2024-09-14 作者:工作汇报网


That is completely intuitive.(这完全出于直觉。)。优美的句子能够成为人生旅途上的精神菜肴。让人读起来是一种享受,您知道有哪些人们耳熟能详的优美句子呢?为了响应您的请求工作汇报网编辑细心整理了英语好词佳句摘抄的相关资讯,衷心感谢您的关注与支持!


1、'It's a new model,' said Michael Golden, publisher of the International Herald Tribune.(“这是一种新的模式,”《国际先驱论坛报》的出版人麦克尔•高顿(MichaelGolden)说。)

2、That is completely intuitive.(这完全出于直觉。)

3、Yet, not on iota of scientific evidence lends support to the claim that any human being has ever had any such ability.(然而没有丝毫科学证据表明人类曾经有过这样的能力。)

4、piece in the International Herald Tribune underlined one of the effects of this process.(在国际前锋论坛报中的一段强调这个过程的效果之一。)

5、Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.(甜蜜的海伦,你一吻就使我永生。)

6、The bone structure in an Asian carp makes it difficult to carve out a boneless hunk for cooking.(鲢鱼的骨骼结构很复杂,很难剔出一大块用于烹饪的无骨鱼肉。)

7、Also, I needed to have inverse probability functions.(此外,我还需要反概率函数。)

8、There is very little air in that space. But not so little that we might suffocate, and thus create a story.(那个空间只有那么一点空气,但也没有少到让我们可能窒息,免得产生一个故事。)

9、The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.(年轻牧民轻快地跃上一匹惯于对生人使性子的马。)

10、Functioning capital stratagem is related with enterprises' competing capability.(运营资本战略关系到企业的竞争力。)

11、So this just must be the inverse of this.(所以它也应该是它的倒数。)

12、Results The multiple imputation method can impute missing values of the crossover design and generate valid statistical inferences.(结果多重填补的方法可用于交叉设计中缺失数据的填补并得出正确的统计推断。)

13、Devastate includes Sunder Armor as part of its effect. Any benefit to Sunder will apply. (Source).(毁灭打击将破甲包括在内。任何对破甲有益都意味着同时对毁灭打击有益。)

14、Become a master gardener in Blossom, the Puzzle game that challenges you to irrigate your way to a bright, happy garden!(成为一朵花,在益智游戏,挑战你来灌溉你的路,迈向光明,快乐园总体园丁!)

15、You can't let the author's sensibilities intrude on the characters'.(你不能让作者的意识入侵人物。)

16、We idolize success and status and thus undermine our mutual respect.(我们过度崇拜成功和地位,从而削弱了彼此间的尊重。)

17、Healthy Banks would have to "increase lending above baseline levels", a stricture that could lead to more bad loans.(运营良好的银行必须“增加放贷到平均水平以上”,紧缩会导致更多的坏账。)

18、The woman, who seemed timid and overwhelmed with stupor in the presence of her husband, turned to say(那妇人,在她丈夫跟前好象有些胆怯,愣住了似的,壮着胆子对他说)

19、They fight with all that is physical - they have not one iota of cosmic or spiritual strength.(他们用所有物质的东西加以反抗—他们没有一丝的宇宙和灵性力量。)

20、We all know people who go through their lives with a road map and a list, unable to vary their life a single iota from the original plan.(我们周围总有一些人是带着计划和安排度过一生的,他们的生活总是不偏离他们自己的计划。)

21、It was too irksome to lie up there, harassing my brain with a hundred idle misgivings.(躺在那儿是太烦神了,有一百种没根据的忧虑困扰着我的头脑。)


22、"They are indeed receding and the rate is causefor great concern… [but the claim is] not based on an iota ofscientific evidence, " he said.(“冰川确实在后退,而且其速度引起人们极大关注……(但是,这个断言)没有一点科学证据的基础。”他说。)

23、It was like a journey through a very old painting, rich with grandeur and decay.(就像在一幅古老的图画里旅行,有一点辉煌,有一点朽败。)

24、Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.(主不算为有罪的,这人是有福的。)

25、What irksome issues did you have to get rid of, and how did you do it?(你还要解决什么问题呢?你是怎么做的?)

26、This is a counter-intuitive result.(这是一个不合理的结果。)

27、That you have used every ruthless stratagem to win the much-coveted promotion hasn't endeared you to your rivals.(你为得到渴望的晋升,所使用的每一个无情的计谋,并没有为你赢得比你对手更多的好感。)

28、Results: All carotid stricture or obliteration occurred at the initial part.(结果:颈内动脉严重狭窄或闭塞全部发生在起始部。)

29、In other words, Mix is it's own inverse.(换句话说,Mix是它本身的逆。)

30、To manage pain and sleeplessness, and the loneliness, he took to drinking, sometimes to a restless stupor.(为了解决疼痛、失眠与孤独,他开始喝酒,有时会不顾一切地酩酊大醉。)

31、Whatever it is must reconcile the seemingly irreconcilable demands of consumers and the industry.(无那那是什么,都一定要调解消费者和唱片行业两者看似不可调解的需求矛盾。)

32、But the biggest white grievance is housing.(白人最大的不满是住房问题。)

33、AT ATMs I don't put my cash in my purse, I stuff it in a pocket and hurtle on. When I come to pay for something I have no idea where my money is.(我在ATM机取钱时不把钱放进钱包,只把它们塞进口袋就匆匆上路,买东西的时候我不知道钱放在了哪里。)

34、The principles of imputation of breach are the core of the study on the liability of breach.(合同责任的归责原则是合同责任研究中的核心问题。)

35、Participate in insurance to need to pay regularly only small insurance cost, the insurance company of pecuniary loss impute to that can make we bring about risk accident place however.(参与保险只需定期支付小额保费,却可以使我们把风险事故所导致的经济损失转嫁给保险公司。)

36、He often expected to take the essentials by surprise, by an amusing stratagem.(他常常指望用一种逗乐似的策略,在出其不意中把问题的要点抓住。)

37、They sometimes shut down completely, falling into a stupor.(他们有时完全停机了,陷入了惊愕的状态。)

38、I've a very good mind to shake you severely, for your contemptible treachery, and your imbecile conceit. '.(我倒想狠狠地摇撼你,就因为你的可鄙的奸诈,和你那低能的奇想。)

39、It means they are the inverse matrices.(这就意味着它们是互逆的两个矩阵。)

40、The company has also come in for ethical criticism, which must be particularly irksome to its high-minded founders.(这家公司还招致了来自道德方面的谴责,这点让其高傲的创始人特别的不快。)

41、HERALD: When Gordon bottled it, almost at once His power vanished like a hologram.(报使:当戈登握住权力时,权力即像全息影像般消失。)

42、Each herdsman captures all the benefit from an extra animal but the cost of overgrazing is borne by all.(对每个牧民来说,多放牧一头牲口带来的好处都归自己所有,而过度放牧的成本则有所有牧民一起承担。)
