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时间:2024-09-15 作者:工作汇报网


The humble will become noble.名人的名言可以激励我们勇敢地面对未来的种种可能,名人格言可以让我们体验生命的美好享受人生的快乐。经过归档整理我们汇总了达芬奇的名言的相关信息,每一天都是一个全新的开始充满了无限的可能!


1、趁年轻少壮去探求知识吧!它将弥补老年带来的亏损。智慧乃是老年的精神的养料,所以年轻时应该努力,这样年老时才不致空虚。 类别:人生

2、Add knowledge, add sorrow.

3、Sometimes God will be beautiful and graceful, can give a man, that he is all from God shows his genius incomparably superior, rather than human power.

4、应当耐心听取他人的意见,认真考虑指责你的人是否有理。如果他有理,你就修正自己的错误;如果他专职亏,只当没听见。若他是一个你所敬重的人,那么可以通过讨论,提出他不正确的地方。 类别:人生

5、When we try to understand something, we will love and hate him.

6、matter what kind of knowledge is mastered, it is useful for intelligence. It will put aside useless things and keep good things.

7、The distant past is still visible before the eyes, but recently as time past various fuzzy.


9、The artist has the whole universe in his mind and hands.

10、Criticizing a thing you don't know is more hateful than praising it.

11、The sun rises higher and higher, it is on the roof of the light is dark.

12、As long as the method is appropriate, versatility is not a difficult task.

13、It is quite accurate and reliable to understand people's inner world and grasp their true colors from their manners.

14、人的美德的荣誉比他财富的荣誉不知大多少倍。古今有多少帝王公侯,可是却没有在我们记忆中留下一丝痕迹,就因为他们只想用庄园和财富留名后世。岂不见多少人在钱财上一贫洗,但在美德上却是豪富呢? 类别:人生



16、After a full day, there will be a happy sleep; a full life will end perfectly.

17、The first object of the painter is to make a flat plane appear as a body in relief and projecting from that plane

18、If you want to be an artist, you must bear in mind that must open up your mind, so that the heart, to see all things, all the colors.

19、Bravery, boldness and determination are worthy of good weapons.

20、The humble will become noble.


22、You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.


24、Wisdom is the daughter of experience.

25、When you are alone, you are all your own, with a partner, only half of yourself, and the conduct of the company, the less the remaining.





30、The man who attacks your enemy should not believe it, because he may attack the same offense against you.
