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时间:2024-09-15 作者:工作汇报网


“pose a great threat to sth.:对……造成很大威胁。”互联网的便捷性让我们的生活变得更加丰富和多彩,网上传播着很多祝福语、名言、警句、段子这样的句子。文字是最强大的语言,工作汇报网的编辑花费时间为您整理了作文英语万能句子大全结尾,我们衷心期望这些句子能对您的学习有所促进!

1、Don’t trouble trouble until troubletroubles you.不要自找麻烦。


3、Lost years are worse than lost dollars.失去时光金不换。

4、Don’t put off till tomorrow what shouldbe done today.今日事,今日毕。

5、My mother told me not to get up too late in the morning.

6、I have two books. You can choose either this one or that one.

7、do one's utmost to + V = do one's best to + V:尽全力去……

8、pose a great threat to sth.:对……造成很大威胁

9、It is said that Li Ping has gone to US.

10、sb. have some difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth. 某人做某事有困难

11、I cannot totally the idea that _____ . Because , in my point of view , I believe _____ .

12、the way you speak.

13、Some people say A , other people argue B . In a word , _____. But I cannot agree this point of view for many reasons.

14、There ________ a school at the foot of the hill.


16、Thank a lot/very much/you for asking me to your party.

17、I am able to swim across the river.

18、the Read family= the Reads=Mr. and Mrs. Read

19、I prefer Chinese to English.

20、be used to(doing) sth.习惯于……

21、They looked like saucers.

22、We won't go until10 we get it back again.(Wait until we come back)
