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时间:2024-09-27 作者:工作汇报网


Letting no one else intrude.(不要让其他人闯入。)。 每个人都会在各种环境中,感受到优美的语言,用才华横溢的文字创作出优美的句子是对人类创作能力的挑战。读起来会给人一种愉悦的感觉。栏目小编经过精选整理为您准备了一份英语好词佳句摘抄,通过这些句子我们希望能够使您对相关内容有个更透彻的理解!


1、Instead of a culture where we're always idolizing sports stars or celebrities, I want us to build a culture where we idolize the people who shape our children's future.(我希望我们的文化不再是宣扬明星与名流,应该更多的去关注那些塑造我们孩子的未来的人们。)

2、Another reason is that in accidents, as opposed to medical treatments, exposure to radiation is involuntary.(再一个原因是与通常的医学治疗相比,核辐射造成的暴露是不由自主的。)

3、The woman, who seemed timid and overwhelmed with stupor in the presence of her husband, turned to say(那妇人,在她丈夫跟前好象有些胆怯,愣住了似的,壮着胆子对他说)

4、You're my idol.(您是我的偶像。)

5、How dare you impute the failure to me?(你怎么敢把失败归咎于我呢?)

6、During the intermission, let's go out for some fresh air.(幕间休息时,我们出去呼吸呼吸新鲜空气吧。)

7、This will help prevent bumps and skin irritation.(这可以让头发更平,并防止皮肤过敏。)

8、Most kids idolize celebrities whether it be movie stars, rock bands or soccer players.(大多数孩子崇拜明星,不管是电影明星,摇滚乐队还是足球运动员。)

9、Healthy Banks would have to "increase lending above baseline levels", a stricture that could lead to more bad loans.(运营良好的银行必须“增加放贷到平均水平以上”,紧缩会导致更多的坏账。)

10、The "herald" patch may also appear as a cluster of smaller oval spots, and be mistaken for acne.(母斑也会表现为一小片小的椭圆形斑点,而被误认为是粉刺。)

11、We idolize success and status and thus undermine our mutual respect.(我们过度崇拜成功和地位,从而削弱了彼此间的尊重。)

12、After Romeo and Juliet died, their families, who had been irreconcilable enemies, became friends.(罗密欧与朱丽叶死后,他们原本敌对的家庭变成了朋友。)

13、In the world of motorcycle stunt riding, is there anyone that you might idolize?(在摩托车特技表演界,有没有谁是你的偶像?)

14、The cells where these rows and columns intersect represent existing implementations of these functions provided by Clojure.(这些行和列交叉处的单元格表示Clojure提供的这些函数的现有实现。)

15、The inverse of shelve is unshelve.(与shelve作用相反的命令是unshelve。)

16、Presumably, when the flower does not intoxicate himself drunk, who could stop the impulse to destroy the Juanniao return.(想必,那时花不醉人自醉,还有谁能阻止的了倦鸟归剿的冲动。)

17、In other words, Mix is it's own inverse.(换句话说,Mix是它本身的逆。)

18、Some irksome regulations could be ditched, too.(一些令人讨厌的监管措施也可以被抛弃。)

19、AT ATMs I don't put my cash in my purse, I stuff it in a pocket and hurtle on. When I come to pay for something I have no idea where my money is.(我在ATM机取钱时不把钱放进钱包,只把它们塞进口袋就匆匆上路,买东西的时候我不知道钱放在了哪里。)


20、But the biggest white grievance is housing.(白人最大的不满是住房问题。)

21、The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.(年轻牧民轻快地跃上一匹惯于对生人使性子的马。)

22、By the latter part of the thirteenth century, Europe was only beginning to rouse from its intellectual stupor.(到十三世纪后半叶,欧洲才刚刚从理智的麻木中醒过来。)

23、She'd never heard of Woody Herald, but her father had carried that photo around with him for fifty years.(她从未听说过伍迪·赫勒尔德这个人,然而父亲却在五十五年间一直把这张照片带在身边。)

24、What irksome issues did you have to get rid of, and how did you do it?(你还要解决什么问题呢?你是怎么做的?)

25、We all know people who go through their lives with a road map and a list, unable to vary their life a single iota from the original plan.(我们周围总有一些人是带着计划和安排度过一生的,他们的生活总是不偏离他们自己的计划。)

26、The theory of the objective imputation will be a bran-new choice.(而客观归责理论即是一种全新的选择。)

27、w the 19-year-old claims he has been hired as an intern at Apple.(现在这位19岁的黑客宣布自己已经被苹果雇佣为实习生。)

28、Still, the film encapsulates the wonder of technology and raises questions about how machines intersect with our lives.(当然,这部电影蕴藏了技术奇迹,并提出了“机器如何与我们的生活产生交互”这样的问题。)

29、The man who had broken off the head of the Black Dragon's effigy (the god is worshipped in a human-looking form, as shown in the picture above) had his head blown off when a factory boiler exploded.(破坏黑龙王龙头(在上图中崇拜的神像被塑造成类似人的样子)的人在一次工厂锅炉爆炸被炸掉了脑袋。)

30、Unfortunately, HTML's forms are created from elements that intermingle presentation and content.(不幸的是,HTML表单是由混合了表示和内容的元素创建的。)

31、Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.(甜蜜的海伦,你一吻就使我永生。)

32、That is completely intuitive.(这完全出于直觉。)

33、To expose to harm or danger; imperil.(辐射危险,辐射危害;)

34、The temperature distribution of the tuyere as well as the influence of impurity and incrustation scale on the temperature field of the tuyere were investigated using numerical simulation method.(为此,用计算机模拟的方法研究了高炉风口的温度分布及杂质含量和水垢对水冷铜风口温度场的影响。)

35、It was too irksome to lie up there, harassing my brain with a hundred idle misgivings.(躺在那儿是太烦神了,有一百种没根据的忧虑困扰着我的头脑。)

36、It was therefore quite surprising when John William Strut (Lord Rayleigh), discovered a gaseous element in 1894 that did not fit into the previous classification scheme.(因此,当约翰·威廉·斯特拉特(瑞利勋爵)于1894年发现了一种不符合先前分类方案的气体元素时,人们感到相当惊讶。)

37、These positions are irreconcilable.(这些立场是不可调和的。)

38、The posters are of her idol: Tiger Woods.(这些海报贴的是她的偶像:泰格·伍兹。)


39、Do not let us limit esteem to the family nor indulgence to egoism.(我们不要限制对家属的尊敬,也不要限制对利己主义的宽容。)

40、AT last, after renewed hesitATion, Dants entered the second grotto.(终于,在略微迟疑了一下以后,唐太斯进入了第二个洞窟。)

41、So this just must be the inverse of this.(所以它也应该是它的倒数。)

42、Objective: To discuss the efficacy of endoscopic water balloon dilation in treatment of esophageal stricture.(目的:探讨经内镜水囊扩张治疗食管狭窄的应用价值。)

43、As with foxhunting in Britain, views seem irreconcilable.(正如猎狐之在英国,意见纷纭,且不可调和。)

44、But where was the groom?(但新郎在哪里?)

45、Why do you impute selfish motives to her?(你为什么说她的动机是自私的?)

46、To expose to loss or injury; imperil.(使…遇险使陷入险境或受伤;)

47、The bone structure in an Asian carp makes it difficult to carve out a boneless hunk for cooking.(鲢鱼的骨骼结构很复杂,很难剔出一大块用于烹饪的无骨鱼肉。)

48、In ages to come, the present age may well be remembered as the heyday of the superpower.(在未来的时代中,现在的时代很可能被人们当作超级大国的全盛期而留在记忆中。)

49、The aims of these three groups are entirely irreconcilable.(这三组人的目标是完全不可调和的。)

50、This can be realized through strict control of time of intermission and heart rate in intermission.(这可通过严格控制每次间歇时间和间歇过程心率来实现。)

51、These old concepts are irreconcilable with modern life.(这些旧观念与现代生活是相互对立的。)

52、Office etiquette and rules might also imperil new employees who haven't yet made the switch from campus mind to office mind.(办公室的礼节和规矩也困扰着新职员,他们还没从校园头脑体例转换到办公室模式。)

53、Isn't the whole point of an intern to make your life easier?(不是整个观点都是“实习生让你的生活更容易”吗?)

54、Letting no one else intrude.(不要让其他人闯入。)

55、The lure of this view - egoism - has two sources, one psychological, the other logical. Consider first the psychological.(这一观点(利己主义)的诱惑有两个来源:一个是心理上的,另一个是逻辑上的。)

56、Screaming fans vied to get closer to their idol.(尖声喊叫的崇拜者争先恐后地涌向他们的偶像。)

57、Then, variance estimates of single imputation, simplified calculation of multiple imputation and imputation using response probability are studied.(重点讨论了单一插补的方差估计与多重插补的简化计算以及使用回答概率的单一插补等。)

58、She was confined for some days to the house; but never had any confinement been less irksome.(玛丽安在屋里关了几天,但是从来没有关得这样少有烦恼。)
