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时间:2024-10-04 作者:工作汇报网


“eudemonia因理性而积极的生活所产生的幸福。”每天都有许多令人心驰神往的语言表达让我们追寻梦想,优美的句子道出了情感的真谛让人们懂得珍惜拥有的一切。 阅读能够让人们体会到生活的真正乐趣和意义,让人感到愉悦和满足。也许以下内容“英语优美句子摘抄”合你胃口,欢迎您的光临愿意与我们一同领略美好的瞬间吗!

1、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. 我们实现明天的唯一限制是今天的怀疑。

2、There is rain in my south of the Yangtze River, but it can't fall to your Chang'an.

3、 I use your footprint, weave countless ancient clues, every clue, hiding in waiting for the blossom.

4、A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.

5、I'd rather be able to see all of my faults clearly than live my life pretending to be perfect. 宁可活得对自己的缺点清清楚楚,也不愿一辈子假装完美。

6、The warmth of your embrace envelops me like a cocoon, making me feel safe. (你拥抱的温暖像蚕茧般地包裹着我,让我感到安心)

7、The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

8、Waiting for the future of you appear, see the last side of life on pay a massacre.

9、When the world says,"Give Up!"Hope whispers,"Try it one more time".——当全世界都要我放弃, 还是期待有人轻语一声: 再试一次。

10、To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others. 要幸福快乐的话,我们就不要太在意别人的意见。

11、Nobody can take away your pain, so don’t let anyone take away your happiness. 没有人可以带走你的痛,所以也别让任何人带走你的幸福。

12、I have also forgotten once world, whether a peaceful piece of string sound.

13、No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.如果你自己不赞成的话,没有人可以让你觉得自己低人一等。

14、Paying attention to yourself is more important than the attention others pay to you. 你自己的注意力很重要,而不是人家的注意力。

15、It seems that this star was not last night, for whom the wind blows and stands in the middle of the night.

16、May you come back as a young man after a thousand sails.

17、Ten miles of peach blossom, a paper from the umbrella with a beautiful woman.

18、When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.

19、Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. 尝试成为别人阴天中的彩虹。

20、You can`t please everyone. The best thing you can do is just to believe in yourself and do what you think is right.——你无法取悦每一个人,你最应该做的事情就是相信自己,做自己认为对的事。

21、You only live once, so tell me, what are you, what are you waiting for?

22、No matter how bad it is happening today,you shouldn't be sad.Because on this day,you are the youngest in the rest of your life.无论今天发生多么糟糕的事,都不应该感到悲伤。因为今天是你往后日子里最年轻的一天了


